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Forum Tarot, Webtarot ou les deux
Il s'agit du forum principal consacré à Webtarot et au tarot en général. Ce forum est modéré

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    where to play tarot online?
    Message publié par villiam saarinen le 21-03-2003 (répondre)

    je venier jeu de tarot..

    ok my french is wery bad as you can see.. I'm from Finland, and I would like to play tarot online. could anyone of you guys tell me how it happens online?? I don't have any credit cards or anything, so it should be absolutely free...

    Please HELP MEEEEE.... I am tarot freak....

    Villiam s

    Re: where to play tarot online?
    Message publié par bibiche le 21-03-2003 (répondre)
    If you are on the forum you know Web tarot thus you download and you play

    Re: where to play tarot online?
    Message publié par gab le 22-03-2003 (répondre)
    It's easy to do.
    Welcome on the site.
    There are many people speaking English, so you should have no problems!
    Good luck!
    See you soon !!

    Re: where to play tarot online?
    Message publié par Castral le 22-03-2003 (répondre)
    The only one problem you'll get is that after one month free trial, you won't be able to play tarot at 5 players (in case you choose this option at the end of this period, the computer will play for you). Otherwise, you can play at 4 or 3 players at any time, without any restriction.
    But it would be nice that you do like most of us, and pay your fee : it's not high, and it's for your whole life...
    If you have no credit card, write to "BEUZ@TAROTEAM.COM" or "JPG@TAROTEAM.COM" and make an agreement to pay for example with an IPMO (International Postal Money Order).
    See you soon on a desk...

    Re: where to play tarot online?
    Message publié par vero du web le 22-03-2003 (répondre)
    if you play on tables for four players you can play without paying

    Re: where to play tarot online?
    Message publié par Guy le 22-03-2003 (répondre)
    you dois telecharger the game on the site then you le decompresser in the file that tu veux (but taroteam is préconisé).
    If you peux pas payer with blue card, you pourras pas jouer at five apres the period of essai.
    Ah, you must avoir une connection internet and un micro ordinateur.

    My english is pas terrible mais je me soigne

    Good game

    Re: where to play tarot online?
    Message publié par gab le 22-03-2003 (répondre)
    nice try, guy !!!!!

    Re: where to play tarot online?
    Message publié par Vox Populi le 22-03-2003 (répondre)

    T'es Excellent Guy !!!

    j'adore cette forme d'humour )

    Vox Populi
    "et le thé ex-ceylan n'est-ce pas mieux que thé sri-lanka !!!"

    Re: where to play tarot online?
    Message publié par marieguad le 22-03-2003 (répondre)
    Good joke, Guy )))

    Re: where to play tarot online?
    Message publié par providence21 le 23-03-2003 (répondre)
    bravo guy, le seul message que j'ai compris en anglais c'est le tien



    good luck villiam

    Re: where to play tarot online?
    Message publié par arttu le 30-03-2003 (répondre)
    Your french is excellent. Let the fortune and the tarot god be whit you.

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