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    alerte virus de mon fournisseur d'antivirus
    Message publié par ulysse le 28-06-2002 (répondre)
    je ne vous traduis pas le mail c trop long loll

    il s'agit d'un ver W32/Yaha.E.

    en bas il y a un lien pour télécharger le vaccin gratuitement


    This mail comes to you from the Virus Emergency Response Team at Proland

    We are issuing this virus alert as we are receiving an increasing number of
    infection reports, of the recently discovered internet worm, W32/Yaha.E.

    About the W32/Yaha.E Worm:

    W32/Yaha.E is a worm that spreads using the Windows Address Book,
    MSN Messenger list, Yahoo pager list and ICQ list. This worm infects
    Windows systems.

    The worm arrives as an email, with the subject as a combination of a few words
    or phrases, most of which suggest friendship and love. The body of the email
    varies and is auto-generated by the worm from pre-defined sets.

    It carries an infected attachment with a random name having any one of the
    following extensions DOC, XLS, MP3, WAV, JPG, BMP, TXT, DAT, GIF, HTM, MPG,
    ZIP or MDB. Some of the attachments may carry an additional extension
    like SCR, BAT or PIF.

    More information on this worm is available at:

    Instructions to remove this worm from your computer:

    An emergency virus database update to detect and remove this worm is
    available to the users of Protector Plus anti-virus software. To download
    this update from our web site, run Protector Plus anti-virus software from
    Start menu -> Programs. Select the 'InstaUpdate' option and click the
    'Connect Now' button.

    Others can download a FREE 30 days, fully functional evaluation copy from:

    You are welcome to use this information to help any one who might need or
    benefit from it. If you have questions regarding this worm or in the use of
    Protector Plus, please write to


    This alert is coming to you from the Virus Emergency Response Team at
    Proland Software. The reason this alert is being sent to you is because
    either you or someone acting on your behalf, subscribed to the Virus Alert
    Mailing List maintained by us. This is not SPAM.

    If you do not wish to receive further alerts, please send a return mail to

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